The Science Of Magic

The Science Of Magic

Author's Notes

A Semi-Alphabetical List of References


  1. Rosie's Allergy
  2. Anachronism
  3. Armour
  4. Bestiary
  5. Herbert Biographical Notes
  6. Blackbodies
  7. Boisenberry, A.
  8. Cats
  9. Cilantro
  10. Cute
  11. Cytherea
  12. Delvers
  13. Descartes, N.
  14. Doris
  15. The Great And Powerful Drinn
  16. Dryad
  17. Nod: Even In Air
  18. Folley, S. J.
  19. Flame of Angerash
  20. Fairy Bells
  21. Wagerer's Gaeas
  22. Gibber And Drool
  23. Nod: Go Ahead
  24. Guava Jelly
  25. Handshake
  26. Social Hierarchy
  27. Inertia
  28. Innocence
  29. Insidious
  30. Kilt
  31. Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book
  32. League
  33. Logisphere
  34. McGuffin
  35. Mental
  36. Monolith
  37. Omniverse
  38. mURTOGs
  39. Newts
  40. Nunki
  41. Opell's Theorem
  42. Outer Rim
  43. Paradox 1
  44. Primal Sounds
  45. Paradox 2
  46. Quarks
  47. Rash Limpballs
  48. Reality
  49. Real Magic
  50. Republicans
  51. Red General
  52. Scepter
  53. Schrödinger's Equation
  54. Schrödinger's Cat
  55. S.D.
  56. S.N.A.F.U.
  57. Snarfle
  58. Snerrup
  59. Sporran
  60. S.T.D.
  61. S.T.D./ I.E.U.
  62. String Theory
  63. Tiela
  64. Trrgg al na Rog
  65. Warrior 3000
From Author's Notes:
  1. Rosie's Allergies
  2. armour
  3. Bestiary
  4. Cats
  5. Cilantro
  6. cute
  7. Færy Bells
  8. Dryad
  9. Cytherea
  10. Newts
  11. Guava Jelly
  12. The Handshake
  13. Social Hierarchy
  14. Inertia
  15. Innocense
  16. Insidious
  17. Hilt
  18. Smished Færies
  19. League
  20. Mentally Deranged
  21. Monoliths
  22. mURTOGs
  23. Gibber and Drool
  24. More on Reality
  25. Peter Pan
  26. Primal Sounds
  27. The power supply
  28. Rash Limpballs
  29. Reality
  30. Paradox
  31. Schrödinger's Equation
  32. Schrödinger's Cat
  33. SNAFU
  34. Sporran
  35. STD
  36. Synchronotic Projection
  37. Tiela
From O'Tooles
  1. Baldric
  2. Cairn Aln' Rog
  3. Celts
  4. City Hall
  5. Centerville
  6. Dragon's Anatomy
  7. Dragon's Memory
  8. Druids
  9. Dwarve
  10. Dwarf
  11. Elf's heads
  12. Færy
  13. Fregck Aln' Rog
  14. Færy Wings
  15. Gaea
  16. O'Toole's Index
  17. Council of Mages
  18. Melancholy
  19. O'Toole's
  20. S.D.C.
  21. On the Smishing Of Færies
  22. Stringewart
  23. Will-o-the-Wisp
  24. Wizards and the like


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