I.E.U. Standard Universal Reference System

Lecturer's Series

Dr. Abrechtus L Boisenberry

Excerpts from his lecture: "Reality? Says Who? The History of the Development and Implementation of Transcendental Physics."

"Thoughts are as tangible as teddy bears, maybe more so. Mostly, the universe is not [tangible]. What we perceive are conventions, mutually accepted icons ( M.A.I.'s), that represent a system of organized energy. The Universe is a great, big bolt of lightning."


"The IGs were implied in the calculus. It was not a natural assumption that the actual particle was in a different dimension. The researchers were were unaware that there were two sides to the Universe, with a singularity inside and everything else on the outside."


[Reality is] "An illusion created by mutual agreement to lend some sense of comprehensibility to the Omniverse, for those handicapped by limited senses. Many discuss reality as though it were a set of empirical laws."


other books by the author:


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