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I.E.U. Standard Universal Reference System

S.T.D.: Spatio Temporal Dislocation

excerpts scanned from the archives

Query string: Excerpt+STD+Omniverse+Technology


S.T.D. is a difficult and tragic technology to master. Throughout the Omniverse it has blossomed into a major industry in most advanced systems. For those worlds, STD requires a vast infrastructure of machinery and electronics. Often, the weight of the technology would topple itself, after it had become indispensable. With few exceptions, the demise of STD usually initiated the fall of the civilization.

Below are a few example excerpts from various sources, which didn't fit into any other categories. Authors are credited when known.

I still don't understand

Please remember that no machinery is needed for S.T.D. It only requires a brain


The technology was was compiled from a basic spare-parts inventory, and whatever the technicians could bang into shape. It fell into place when the S-risc chips made it possible to transmit binary data through the X-sum Dimensional cache, and boosted bandwidth to the Terra-Herz ranges

Scanned from:
"What D'ya Mean Terabyte? I Still Don't Know What a Nanosecond Is."
Georg Popoudoppopolis

. . .it is a mathematical construct and is not a "real place"[. . .] it is the panel's recommendation that [ . . .] living artifacts never be transmitted through this module . . .

Scanned from:
the Multiversal Committee to Study S.T.D. Technology

This had in fact been tried, a number of times and the results were invariably very messy. Indeed, the research was responsible for the demise of mop and bucket industries, by producing far superior automated clean-up robots. Neccesity, they say, is the mother of recession. Few of the scientists were prepared for the amount of gore involved in their particular line of research. It was not a widely publicized aspect of the genre .

Scanned from:
the Multiversal Committee to Study S.T.D. Technology

33% of Rigel Prime disappeared
 from the Omniverse today.

Department of Defense spokesman, Klenard Phlemp,
denied claims that there was a cover-up, and assured
the public that "everything possible is being done to
locate the missing portion of the planet . . ."

Scanned from:
Beta Rigel Harold, volume 125466, issue 7


At some point in time, an entrepreneur named LaChance ( this is the only officially recorded name we have ) managed to marry the old technology with the latest research and translated 7/10ths of his laboratory to a seaside resort 10 miles outside of New Carson City.

The resulting empire he formed, controlled transportation for the better part of 2 centuries.

Scanned from:
ZAP! The History of  Spatio-Temporal Dislocation
by Samuel E. Cant


...The residents of the beach were no less surprised than he, and set upon him with a variety of makeshift weapons, including an ice-chest and several lawn-chairs. The bemused physicist was dismayed when he noticed that the 7/10ths of the lab, that dislocated, did not include several inches of his left foot. The implications did not escape him; if humans could move by computer ...

"Jesus, this could be as big as Windows!® "
He was later quoted by the NCC Times as being: "dismayed, by the entire unfortunate incident."

Scanned from:
New Carson City Times

...developed some problems with the Warp drives ...truly didn't warp anything at all. If anything they were fold drives, but even that is a rather inadequate label for STD. However, the pre-release tests of the engines and software by Microsoft Galactic for the Prince of Gates, determined that Fold engines were best left to describe washers and dryers. Warp already had a high Publc Acceptence Factor, and the rest, as they say, was inevitable.

Scanned from:
Regent's Log, Seventh Regent , House of Gates



End of Hits

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