I.E.U. Standard Universal Reference System

Outworld Cosmology

The Terran Union and The Outer Rim

A system of Terran colonies at the perimeter of that star system. They have in common: a 20hour or less one-way flight time, between any given colony and a longer then 96 hour average flight time to the center of the system.

In early colonial times, circa PSD2200 -2529, The territory tended to form alliances along flight-time standards. Although trade was cited as the major reason for this trend, it should be noted that 40 hours is the average flight time for the interplanetary battle cruiser, between refueling.

These cruisers, while outlawed by the Terran Worlds Union, were the mainstay of the colony's fleets.

The Outer Rim had a reputation for generating problems, for the Home Planet. Seven of the installations began as penal colonies and Fourty-two began as corporate service contracts, which meant that if one was sent there, one died there.

Io Prime was long suspected to be the headquarters for the O.R.R.A.*

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The Standard Universal Reference System is maintained by Interverse Educational University.
The I.E.U. makes no claims of reliability or accuracy when engaging the S.U.R.S..



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